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Entering BEAST mode!

It might have been a bit quite on the job front recently, due to the accident, but that doesn't mean things have been going on behind the scenes, and projects are coming in thick and fast!

So, i can't wait to head back to my hometown, and play the role of the PRINCE/BEAST in this years professional pantomime at the Webster Memorial Theatre, Beauty and the the Beast!

Starring alongside a fantastic cast, this years panto is more local than ever, full of laughs, stunning sequences, and i'm sure it'll get messy too - a recipe for the perfect pantomime!

There's something hugely satisfying about performing in pantomime, especially for a run full of schools performances, knowing that you get to be a part of the Christmas experience for so many young and excited audience members, as well as the not-so-young members, that have even more fun!

So excited to get going with rehearsals, as i've had a sneak peek at the Beast head, and it is incredible!! Bring on the Beast!

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Homepage photos - Kyran Ferrie and Dean Pearson

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