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Here it is - brand new website, brand new blog!

It's been a long time coming, after a short, somewhat compulsory break, Chris is back with new projects, new representation and a new outlook on his career.

In March just passed, Chris was involved in a serious accident, which resulted in extensive surgery to his left knee. Although the surgery seemed to go well at the time, over the last four months, there have been various complications, and as a result, a lengthy and difficult physiotherapy process was endured.

Although the physio still continues, Chris is now back on his feet, and walking unsupported. There is still a long way to go, but the worst is over, and now it's a case of getting the leg as close to where it was before the injury. With Chris in the gym twice a day, working on the flexibility and strength of the leg, it's only a matter of time before he's kicking bad guys on camera, and treading the boards at high speeds.

This time has given Chris a lot of time to reflect on his career, and where to focus his attention in the grand scheme.

An exciting time ahead, with lots of announcements and thrilling projects, so keep an eye on Chris's social media and on this blog!!

As much as Chris loved his chair, he's now up and on his feet!

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© 2017 by Chris O'Mara. all rights reserved.

Homepage photos - Kyran Ferrie and Dean Pearson

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